Women I admire

Drew Barrymore
Now, I have to admit, I'm not putting Drew in this list for her acting skills, although her performance in 'Grey Gardens' was incredibly admirable! I am 'adoring' Drew for her life skills!
When your growing up it isn't uncommon to find a celebrity you feel you can relate to. I didn't go out looking for it, for me personally I found my comfort was through music. But Drew Barrymore was one of the only people in the world of Hollywood stars, that I felt I could some what relate to. Her 'mistakes' were very much in the public eye. How she had gone from the cute little girl in E.T to a raving alcoholic with a slight liking for the odd substance abuse. She was always completely honest about who she is and what she may be going through, never hiding behind a glamorous L.A mask. She just was what she was. But what makes her so admirable is how she learnt life's valuable lessons along the way through any mistakes she may have made. She was always so aware of the problems life was throwing at her and she always did her best to learn and grow from them.
I remember a interview she did when she was a awkward teenager with Terry Wogan. You could see she was riddled with a life that hadn't treated her too kindly, and she seemed completely lost. Over the years, through her many film roles and through life itself, she slowly grew into who she really wanted to be. A big hearted, warm, generous, free, open minded, strong young woman!
I think she is a honest portrait of women in the modern world! A great role model for any troubled young people, proving you can turn your life around and achieve your goals and dreams.
The other thing I really admire about the lovely Drew...is presented in the picture I have attached with this bulletin. She was one of the first celebrities to do a magazine photo shoot with out a hint of make up and demanded for it to be completely untouched by photo shop. With the majority of Hollywood stars clearly feeling their talents and success lie within their beauty, she threw all of that on its head when she was brave enough to show her true self, and with it, absolute confidence without a hint of insecurity. I am a young woman who has grown up in the world of plastic beauty, and I speak for many young women when i say it is completely terrifying and can almost make you delusional about how you think you should look! With Drew doing such a inspiring photo shoot, it gave me so much hope that maybe,just maybe, things may begin to turn around, and we can all be beautiful by just being ourselves!
So yes, I admire Drew and find her truly inspiring and I feel she is a very important role model for young women in this day and age...Go Drew!

Dawn Porter...why? Because this woman is absolutely and utterly living MY dream! Plus to top it, shes bloomin fantastic! I have watched pretty much everything she has done on t.v, read pretty much every article she has written... and well, you get the general idea! I am a bit potty for dawn porter!
She is another young woman who I think is a fantastic role model for the young ladies of today! She is funny, quirky, cute, feminine, smart, dippy and has her head well and truly screwed on!
She faces the facts of today and dives straight into issues of the modern world that we can all relate to! One of her first documentaries 'super slim me' was incredibly eye opening and inspiring. With Dawn being the gorgeous presenter she is, and how well she put together that documentary, it really makes you realise you don't have to be skeletal to be beautiful. And how clearly it is a huge battle amongst women, like a competition, rather than something we feel men like! Brilliant! Shes honest, ballsy and bloody spot on!
I cant wait for more TV delights from my all time favourite lady on the telly box!

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