Its just been one of those days!

You know its going to be 'one of those days' when you wake up, open your eyes and the first thing you see is a letter with some bad financial news! Then, to top it, you know your going to be having some pretty heavy money problems for the following months with debts piling up! Its not good, especially when you can't really see much of a way out of it.
So what do you do with a day like today? The sun hasn't even shown its pretty face, so with the grey feeling of the day, comes the grey weather! My outlet used to be retail therapy... perhaps one of the reasons I am in such a tricky situation now! But when you have no pennies to rub together that goes out the window too, maybe go see some friends, but oh no, need to have some kind of bus or train fair for that! One by one the little pleasures of life start to disappear when you realise everything costs money! So I sit here and look around me, and start to realise and appreciate the things I do have. For one, my gorgeous little poppy pup, where would I be without her! I have allot of 'nice' things to keep me amused, maybe I should really be getting on with a bit more sewing, planning ahead with little projects and other such various things. Its like going back to basics, only luckily I still have electricity, hot water, and food i can scrounge off my mum and ransack my cupboards bare! Its like my boyfriend said ''the bad resolves itself, look forward to the good''. Ahh yes, a lovely boyfriend is another wonderful thing in my life. There is also never a day that goes by where he doesn't fail to make me laugh!
So really, I'm not going to let financial worries get on top of me! I will deal with them, and push them aside and focus on the wonderful things in my life! I also have a giant , and i mean GIANT, bar of chocolate that I think I am going to indulge in now!

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