In memory of September the 11th

9/11. It happened once. 9 years ago two planes crashed into the twin towers in New York. Do you remember when this happened? Of course you do! How can you forget. You probably remember the day exactly, where you were and what you were doing the moment you found out the shocking news.
Every year since you can count on watching horrifying footage of the tragic event unfolding before your very eyes. The 11th of september has rightly become another day of commemoration just like D-day and . But, can you imagine a time where there were no videos, no cameras, nothing to capture such heart breaking events that are made visible to the world for the rest of eternity. Just news that reaches out amongst the world and a memory that fades away leaving only a name of a day in its place and a story to be told of what happend. Would we cry like we do when we watch 9/11 on the television if we never actually saw America, had the choice to go over there on frequent holidays and business trips. Would we stand and watch, with our eyes peeled and hearts beating so fast as we gasp in horror for the city of New York thats so in reach with just a plane ride away it feels like our neighbour. Or is it just the sheer shock of what human beings can do to one another that gets us the most? To be able to visibly see such inhumane cruelty unfold before our very eyes, and its real! Its not a book or a myth some one has made up, its not a horror film thats been created in glamorous hollywood, its as real as the earth benieth your feet and each breath that you draw! Is this the sadness we feel? How so many of us are born with our hearts reaching out to one another only to be crushed when we realise there are people amongst us who are out to do us harm. How politics and religion have created wars. Politics and religion! The two things that the majority have been raised to believe are things we should follow, things we should believe in, things we should support, things that are good! What a confusing and disgusting mess this leaves when you come into your adult hood and discover politics and religion create the most ugly scenes on earth!
The images are stapled in our minds, as the towers come crashing down, the debre that floats around the city and the people running around screaming for their lives and loved ones. In shock! The city of new york, was on that day, in a state of complete madness! We have created this. Us humans. We force our children to believe in things like religion that eventually tare them apart as grown people. We guide our children on a path of politics that we think will make them grow into strong adults. We tell them whose good and whose bad. But on a day like the 11th of september everyone is left to make up their own mind! On a day like 9/11 you can make up your own mind. After we have all witnessed this event through our television screens you can decide for your self what you think of religion, what you think of the people ruling our country, what you think of politics.

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