I think I found a cure...for the 3 year itch!

...and it comes in the form of Ashburton, the town I live in! Yes, I never thought I would say it, after all these years of moaning about wanting to move on every three years, moving around endlessly. I think I may have possibly found my home...for now anyway! I especially never thought I would consider Ashburton, of all places, as a possible home! For two years I have been moaning about feeling chlostrophobic and wanting to get out of here, but not really knowing where I want to go to. Ashburton is also the sort of place, if any one knows it, it gets instantly knocked as being a granny town and a very boring place to be! True, for two years I had that view too! But since christmas (we're now in summer) I have found some hidden treasures in this town and I have slowly developed a little love affair for it. I grew very sick of Totnes (where i previously lived) for all its high and mighty locals, people thinking they are so special and desperately trying to claim they are unique...when your living in a town full of people who think they are gods gift, its starts to feel like every one is a clone, and not very unique at all! This town however, has some really amazing people who slowly come out of the woodwork, one by one you meet people who are really creative and just doing it for themselves, maybe making a bit of extra pocket money from it too. Real genuine people, who value life and the simplicity of living in such a beautiful area. Up the road on the A38 is Exeter if i feel i need my big town fix, down the road the other way is family and friends, and where I am is a simple town, surrounded by countryside, filled with inspirational people who do exciting little projetcs for their comunity. I can go for walks and be right out in nature, just me and my dog. I have every thing I need. I just have to open my eyes to see the beauty of it. And I think I am beginning to wake up and really apreciate what I have!

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