A travellers life.

So many of my friends are such inspiring people, it often leaves me feeling I am not doing enough with my life.
Some people are just people of the world. They hear of a issue in another country and immediatly get focussed on going out to help in what ever way they can. Some people are forever traveling for the simple pleasure of seeing all the delights this planet has to offer us, some people go off to 'find themselves', although this usually just becomes one big long binge drinking session. Others, wish to see the world but feel rather humbled in the life they have at home and rooted for themselves. I feel somewhere caught up in all the above.
I seem to have grounded my self at home and feel pretty content with what i am doing on a day to day basis. But as soon as i hear of some one elses worldly adventures its like a knife in my heart and i feel instantly jealous! I was just looking through a friends photos of her travels in thailand. One picture struck me the most, she's sat outside, in the dark, with her bag on her lap, around her are broken down old worn out buildings and dirty streets, yet she has the biggest smile on her face. I thought to myself ''would i be smiling if i was there, why am i jealous?!''. And then i realised I envy the fact she can be at home ANYWHERE in the world. If i was there, I would probably feel like a alien, lost and scared, with no one i could communicate with easily if i needed any help. When you live a life like that you are totally alone. But for some, that is their biggest comfort, and to a extent I can understand why. To feel ultimate freedom is to be anywhere in the world and really just be there, in that moment. No thoughts of fear or worries or thinking endlessly of friends and family back home and a warm comfortable bed, but just taking whatever life throws at you and doing with it whatever you can, the best you can. That is ultimate freedom, not being chained by memories and thoughts of what you miss, whish you had or where you want to be. Just being truly alive in the moment.
I wish I could be more like that. I have moved around england through out my whole life, me and mum would pack all our things and move to our next destination, ready for a new adventure, new faces and a new life. Its been my own little travelling adventure, although I haven't seen much of the world, I have seen alot of the country i live in, and for this I have truly come to apreciate it.

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