Unemployment in the UK

It seems to me if you raise the topic of unemployment in the UK, you end up feeling like you have entered the spanish Inquisition. The problem most 'working' people have is the feeling that people on job seekers are soaking up the benefits that tax payers provide for them. I doubt very much tax would even be decreased if these benefits systems were thrown out all together, as we are all after all paying for things we don't feel is necessary, like food for prison in mates, weapons for wars and the things that are necessary in our society like street lighting, rubbish collectors, dog poo bins etc! Either way, we all pay tax weather we like it or not, for things we may or may not agree with. The argument can go on and on and on.
Working people are so quick to say unemployed people are just 'lazy' and they get immediately outraged at the thought that they are paying for them to ''sit on their arses and do nothing''. In my opinion there is a route cause for everything. I honestly don't think the thought process for most people is as simple as ''I cant be bothered to work, I will just go on benefits instead''. As most people who do go to the job centre, do at some point end up finding work. So whats the problem? Is it just the fact we don't like seeing our wage packet with a big number swiped off it so instantly find the easiest target to blame it on? I know I hate it, but I feel more angered that my hard earned money is going towards a war I do not support in any way,the thought doesn't even cross my mind that the money has gone straight to the job centre.
If people honestly feel too lazy to work, there has to be a reason! Surely no one enjoys being lazy and feeling like their life isn't good enough to do anything with, because lets face it, with the benefits wage you can't exactly enjoy a good holiday or even afford to buy some decent food! So the problem, surely, has to lye allot deeper than how we see it! The age of the majority of the unemployed ranges from 16-25, and yes most of them probably are just sitting on their ''arses'', smoking pot and doing nothing. But why does this enrage us? I personally don't envy that kind of lifestyle at all, so i have nothing to be annoyed about, I actually just feel sorry for these people that they don't feel they have any direction. And where does that stem from? I personally believe it all starts with the messed up school system, too many kids crammed into one classroom, all losing their mind, being taught things they have no interest in and nothing inspiring that they can feed off, the teachers are under so much pressure its hard for them to show they even care that much! After school the kids are bored, most parents are working full time and their is hardly any family time in this day and age. There is a insane amount of drug abuse among teenagers, because no one is looking, every one is turning a blind eye and not enough is being done to inspire kids, give them direction and make them feel they have anything to work towards. Its one problem to the next. They come out of school, probably already hooked on weed and alcohol, with no inspiration ever been injected into their lives, so they feel hopeless, probably without realising it. The next step... why would they then choose to go into a job they hate, full time for minimum wage, where with their earnings they cant afford to begin their own life. I have grafted my ass off on minimum wage and it was impossible to rent a cheap flat, pay for bills and afford to feed myself! With no direction, inspiration or drive in the first place, why would they then choose to make their lives harder.
The whole system needs to be addressed from the school years on. Drug and alcohol abuse needs to be looked at in a great more detail and young people need to be given a hell of allot more hope and support. They need to feel their life is worth more than doing nothing day in day out.
Then there is the fact that there aren't actually enough jobs out there! And that is fact, weather you like it or not, that's just how it is! There are far too many people squished into this country, you wouldn't know where to begin to help them all find work. Especially as so many jobs have been wiped out. It hit me today when I asked my mum, whose taking a train to luton with many changes and lots of bags, if she will get help carrying all her luggage at the stations, and then I realised there no longer are helpers at the train stations....now that's one job they could re open! Then theres the fact that our kitchens are all piling up with containers of recycling...how about a job that will get people out of unemployment, sorting through recycling so we don't have to have 6 separate bins filling up our small kitchen spaces. There are so many jobs that could be done would the government just support it. The government just wants to get people into work, weather they hate the job or not, so as a result, people are working jobs they truly hate, which means we lose quality in products and receive very poor service! Have you noticed how in the last ten years almost everything you buy will break with in a couple of years? Products used to last a lifetime, because more people did what they loved and respected what they made, like an art. Now people are being forced into working conditions that literally depress them for minimum wage, so of course they don't feel any passion for what they are doing and couldn't care less about the quality of their work...so we continue to receive poor, rushed service, and ridiculously rubbish quality products!
The whole issue needs to be looked at from a completely different angle than just ''their lazy get them into work'' as in the end this doesn't help anyone, your tax wont be decreased, your products wont be of better quality, the service you receive wont be to your satisfaction and depression, drugs, alcohol and a zombie like state wont disappear! Whatever happened to careers? Living our dreams? Striving for what we want? Are we really just born to be numbed by the almighty dollar? I personally feel there is allot more to life than money and work. Like living the life you dream and knowing you have lived a life of meaning, rather than being numbed by the government for the satisfaction of tax payers. People need help, teenagers need help, children need help, support, inspiration and love!

A travellers life.

So many of my friends are such inspiring people, it often leaves me feeling I am not doing enough with my life.
Some people are just people of the world. They hear of a issue in another country and immediatly get focussed on going out to help in what ever way they can. Some people are forever traveling for the simple pleasure of seeing all the delights this planet has to offer us, some people go off to 'find themselves', although this usually just becomes one big long binge drinking session. Others, wish to see the world but feel rather humbled in the life they have at home and rooted for themselves. I feel somewhere caught up in all the above.
I seem to have grounded my self at home and feel pretty content with what i am doing on a day to day basis. But as soon as i hear of some one elses worldly adventures its like a knife in my heart and i feel instantly jealous! I was just looking through a friends photos of her travels in thailand. One picture struck me the most, she's sat outside, in the dark, with her bag on her lap, around her are broken down old worn out buildings and dirty streets, yet she has the biggest smile on her face. I thought to myself ''would i be smiling if i was there, why am i jealous?!''. And then i realised I envy the fact she can be at home ANYWHERE in the world. If i was there, I would probably feel like a alien, lost and scared, with no one i could communicate with easily if i needed any help. When you live a life like that you are totally alone. But for some, that is their biggest comfort, and to a extent I can understand why. To feel ultimate freedom is to be anywhere in the world and really just be there, in that moment. No thoughts of fear or worries or thinking endlessly of friends and family back home and a warm comfortable bed, but just taking whatever life throws at you and doing with it whatever you can, the best you can. That is ultimate freedom, not being chained by memories and thoughts of what you miss, whish you had or where you want to be. Just being truly alive in the moment.
I wish I could be more like that. I have moved around england through out my whole life, me and mum would pack all our things and move to our next destination, ready for a new adventure, new faces and a new life. Its been my own little travelling adventure, although I haven't seen much of the world, I have seen alot of the country i live in, and for this I have truly come to apreciate it.

The gift of life!

It has come to my attention, and i blame Brian Cox wholly for giving me a big wake up call to how small and irrelevant our life is compared to the rest of the insanely massive universe, that we are like a colony of ants running around on this crazy planet, trying desperately to build ourselves a life of joy!
I have also come to realise that we are all just crazy people trying desperately to hold on to our sanity, and the people who openly express their madness are just more sensitive to the pressures life throws at us. After all, how can we not feel a little like we're 'losing it' with the amount of stress we deal with on a daily basis. And some just find it easier than others to adjust to this fast paced lifestyle we have, particularly in western societies.
We deal with financial problems that can some times cause us to crash so hard we don't know how to keep moving forward, Illness some times a cold or flu, other times serious and life threatening, relationship problems, be it with in couples, friends, family or business, failing to achieve our wants and goals after working very hard to get there, death.. when its some one close to us, and it happens to everyone, it chills you to your core, a sort of pain that never leaves you, to name just a few these are just some of the stresses we deal with on a daily basis. How on earth do we cope?
I have been thinking how hard life is, how some times i feel i can relate to lost people more than people who have their shit together, as they express a kind of honesty that is rare. In people who don't know where to go or what they are doing, I see myself, But you can't forever stare at your reflection, life happens, you have to deal with it and keep moving forward. After all, if you crash into a financial wall... you realise you are at the bottom, you have two choices, stay there or start climbing back up the ladder. If some one is ill, you appreciate them and life a whole lot more when they are better, one of liefs most wonderful and free gifts, If a person doesn't recover and the heart ache comes from losing some one close, the pain reminds you of how special that person was, memories you will carry with you through life that are so much more precious than any photographs, relationship problems come and go, either you work through and become stronger and happier or you leave the relationship having learned some healthy lessons to help move you forward, wiser and clearer in your next relationship, If you have worked hard to achieve your goals and dreams, either you get there or you don't, either way you haven't failed, to have a dream is better than to have no dreams at all and to have a goal is healthy, it helps keep you moving forward through this tricky thing called life.
In every hardship we experience on a daily basis there are hidden gifts, lessons and some times beauty we only need to open our eyes and hearts to see.

Lets go shoot some people?!

No? OK, lets take it out on a innocent animal instead then, just for fun!
So, the conservatives are in and that means fox hunting is back in all its sick twisted glory. It was banned finally a few years ago when some one actually had some sense and emotion. And now the old fashioned robots are back running the country, we have a lot of shit to expect, As with most parties, lets face it, but i particularly hate the conservatives with a passion. One of my biggest reasons for this is because of the hunting, for a sport.
Animals would never kill us unless they felt threatened or are starved and need to hunt to survive. So what gives us the right to kill them pointlessly, just for fun, when we really don't need to! I defiantly doubt its because we are threatened! I played with a wild fox once when i was younger, the word threatened didn't even enter my mind, more like amazing that such a wild animal trusted me enough to allow for us to play together. That moment stayed with me, and i would hate to think some boisterous snobby control freak on a power trip would kill that fox, just for fun! It actually breaks my heart. Through out my little life I have had a lot of amazing small experiences with wild animals, I seemed to have been slightly obsessed with them when i was little. Perhaps from watching one too many Disney movies. I have had a wild deer walk right up to me, only to run off when there was scuffling in the bush behind me, a field mouse fall asleep on my feet, the fox i played with and a few more. So naturally, I feel a connection with all animals, I think they are so precious and the only species not set on destroying this planet. I personally believe we could learn allot from them if we respected them more and worked on earning their trust, as tey do give it to you, all it takes is a little patience and a kind heart.
Shooting to survive...fine, I can understand that, as almost every animal kills to survive. However we're surviving a little too well, and its really not necessary anymore. we can even survive without meat full stop! So why are we doing this? From fox hunters i have met in the past, having lived in various countrysides, they all just seem set on having a power trip...and nothing else! I don't like people who do things for the sake of feeling like they have power over something, especially something innocent, be it a child, a animal, or a innocent person. Nothing justifies this to me for any of those things and nothing will ever change my mind to think it is OK to be killing beautiful, innocent wild beings for the sake of a sport! Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of sport, as long as it involves a ball, a racket and net perhaps, but not the kind that involve weapons and a innocent being!

I hate goodbyes!

My all time best friend has just been down to see me for a few days... and tomorrow she leaves!
I already feel like she has gone, I really cannot stand saying goodbye. She lives a few county's away from me, and with so much going on in our lives we don't get to see each other often, but with all the years that pass, nothing has changed! We call each other almost daily and if we don't call, we IM, email or text. Every time it comes to our last day together I get stupidly sentimental. I start thinking about how different our lives might have been had i not moved so far away when i was 14. How I may not have met all my crummy ex boyfriends, how I may not have gone down a totally wild road for a while, how we probably would have lived our little dream we always had as kids of living together for a while when we are 'grown ups'. And now suddenly here we are, all grown up. I had some crummy boyfriends, I went down a wild road and i never got to live with my best buddy. I couldn't be happier for her, as all i want for my best friend is for her to be happy. She fell in love, he treats her like gold and they set up house together last year. But it makes me realise and think what a big influence our best friends have in our lives. Every time I see her I feel grounded, like everything is going to be OK. That is the feeling you have also if you are fortunate enough to live closer to your best friend. I have had a lot of friends in my little life, But Kerry is like a sister to me, Always has been and always will be. Time passes us by, but our friendship never changes, its like the only thing in my life that doesn't evolve. It just stays bliss full. Always picking up where we left off.
Every time I see her, I start thinking about my life, the things I want to change. Its a positive thing, It's like I start to reevaluate the things in my life, start looking at my priorities and begin to make changes.
So the positive side of having such a close friendship with miles and miles between us, is its so special when we do see each other, we grow, we change, and we stay the closest of friends. Life blossoms and we always have each other through everything.