I was bought up on a fairly healthy diet. In my little school packed lunch I would be given brown bread with a slice of ham, a apple and a sesame nut bar, which of course I would swap at any given chance for a very tasty and naughty chocolate bar! Once I sunk my teeth into the chocolaty delight...there was no turning back, and I instantly developed a very intense case of 'sweet tooth'.
So, in the last three years I have managed to give up two of my favourite things, alcohol and caffeine. I stopped smoking in between too, but this seems to be a continuing battle and I will only have a drink once in a blue moon. However, it has come to my attention recently (from my loving boyfriend) that I actually eat like a disgusting pig, he politely put it that i am a very fat person in a small persons body! That simple line woke me up allot and really made me look at the foods I am eating.
For one I have a terrible routine when it comes to meal times...if such a thing exists in my world! I shovel down breakfast so I can quickly rush out for a morning walk with my dog. Lunch doesn't exist in my vocabulary and a evening meal will consist of something I can throw together very quickly, mainly a sandwich or some pasta and the rest of the day is spent snacking on chocolate, biscuits, cakes or/and crisps! Yes, I truly am a very very fat person in a petite body!
The thing that makes this all the more laughable is I do actually know how to eat healthy, all the people closest to me, especially my family, are incredibly healthy eaters...and i mean INCREDIBLY! They have got it down to a tee when it comes to really healthy and nourishing diets. I would forever try to think about trying to start a healthy eating lifestyle, but as soon as the thought would enter my mind I would hear a unhealthy snack, calling me so sweetly from the kitchen cupboard...and we all know how hard it is to avoid things that are sweet in more ways than one!
I sat down with my blokey a few nights ago and discussed foods i could slowly introduce into my diet...and vwala, three days later and i have done possibly the healthiest food shop i have ever experienced, and i have to tell you, I'm bloody excited! Its all really tasty stuff! I am swapping teas for herbal teas, fruit drinks for water with squeezed lemon and a drop of maple syrup, chocolate and crisps for yogurt and nuts and 'lunch' has become my new best friend! I bought fish to make a tasty tuna salad and mozzarella, tomato's and avocado for the days I don't feel like eating grass (leafy salad). Plus lots of other things!
I suffer from chronic fatigue and i know this new diet change will drastically improve the symptoms that come with the illness. Plus I already feel more motivated, upbeat and lively than when i was being stuffed with sugar, dairy and wheat!
Now, while i sit here sipping on my lemon water my tummy is rumbling, I think I will go make myself a tasty soup and look forward to a treat for desert as a reward for my good food behaviour.
hmm a life without beer, cigarettes, junk food and coffee.. well i don't like junk food but the rest, well they're my favourite things! :P and that makes me sound awful =| lol good luck on your healthy plan!! xx