Is the party over...or am i over the party?!

It seems the last few winters I have taken kindly to hybernation!!..and i really quite like it!
I used to go to parties at any given chance. I couldn't wait everyday to find the excuse to find some thing fun and exciting to do, and all the new people i would meet along the way!...I really think I'm over it now!
The last week i have spent as follows:

  • Baking very naughty cakes!
  • Dancing my ass off when the house is empty to AC/DC and Pearl Jam mainly
  • Going on mini adventures with the plop face...(aka poppy, poppet, little sprog)
  • Seeing fam fam and arranging to have FUNky times with friends before christmoose
  • Watching absalout cheese on movies on the telefizzle!..this includes movies for men on my freesat which i cant help but find myself addicted to at two every morning, with absalout cheese on 80s and 90s movies....BRILLIANT!
  • Having really really rediculously snuggly times with Will
  • Doing market stalls to sell the bags and clothes i make!
  • PUTTING UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE YESSSS and making it ultra cosy and almost grotto like in my temporary humble abode
  • going on facebook just a little too often...its even on my laptop screen automaticly when i am not even in...worrying!
  • Buying a insane amount of clothing and shoes off ebay when i haven't even got money! nooo
I could go on and on and on about the almost granny like ways i spend my days ...these days! I am however happier than i have ever been, I think I am a wild child with a humble nature deep inside! OH I DO LIKE HUMBLE!

Loose Women...I Think Not!

I stumbled across that lunch timeTV programme for mummies called 'loose women' today (shh), where women sit around a big table gossiping about anything and everything...Its strangely addictive!
Anyway It came to a point where they brought up a topic of conversation about weather they feel men should be intouch with their emotions or not! Ok I know in the 50's it was all about men knowing their place and running the house hold, and since the 60's it became quickly progressive that men and women were equal and real men DO cry! So.... I was in the thought that we are now in a place where we all have pretty much the same rights, men can cry when they feel they need to without getting scrutinized for it and women can have careers if they fancy! But oh no...Loose Women had to turn that right on its head! They all discussed how they don't like a cry baby, and a man should only cry when its completely appropriate! They then went on to talk about their past relationships and having been out with some totally helpless men until they got to the point of being fed up with 'driving them around because they were so helpless they couldnt even get a driving license together'.
I have heard allot of women say this sort of thing regarding men and their 'emotions', and Iv wondered allot why it has come to this point. Its in my belief we are just never happy with the opposite of sex and always enjoy a good bitchy session. From my experience I just dont think men know their place, how they are supposed to behave...its rare that i come across a man who still opens the door for me, they don't know how to look, and with the ever increasing emo trend their future looks bleak! They feel under pressure to come across manly until we see the likes of pete doherty who manages to pick up one of the worlds most beautiful women, and this really throws a spanner into the works on the image front! They don't know weather to show anger in a argument or to just break down and cry...because WE (us ladies) are so quick to call them a cry baby, mummies boy or a wife beater with anger issues! My god...where do these men stand!? Do they stay at home while the mother goes to pursue her career? or do we take charge on the home front while they work to provide? This then raises the question if men are threatened by career focused successful women or are quite happy to be a full time stay at home dad? which in my opinion takes a soft male to do so!...this then can be seen as a cry baby! It just goes on and on...when will we stop being so judge mental? or are we the ones who don't actually know our place and there for don't know what we actually want? I have come across a fair few women who feel they cant be a stay at home mum because they feel under pressure to be at work. Are we slowly taking over mens roles in life and making them feel they way they made women feel way back when? To me this no longer feels like equality...but just females trying desperately to take some control back and in the process the scales tilting completely! It takes the right amount of each ingrediant to bake a really tasty cake!

To smoke or not to smoke

Is it the job of a smoker to support a friend or family member, who is trying to give up the bad habit, by stopping smoking themselves when around them? What do you do if you are a smoker living with someone who is trying to quit?
I gave up smoking last year for roughly 1o months.... and let me tell you, I have never felt so good! The entire time I was completely baffled as to why I didnt quit sooner. So...This is the bit that will really confuse you, For some stupid reason I started again just before christmas. I now know from experience that what they say is true ''just one cigarette and you're hooked again''! Worse still, this time around it seems to be even harder to stop. I have been battling with it for weeks and weeks and I will find every excuse under the sun to have one, or to even just have one drag....any excuse! This last week I have been doing really well in stopping again....phew! I get a craving every evening and it makes me entire body slowly tense up from head to toe and my tummy ends up in knots. But i get past it, Like a trooper, I keep on going! (Really deep inside, I feel like a steam train grafting my botty off red with anger and tension and smoke coming out of my ears, I wish!). But you find things to do, and keep those restless fingers busy and your mind active.
I have now also learned that the last thing you want to hear as a stopping smoking newby is these words ''would you mind terribly if I just had a quick cigarette!''. As I have just experienced with my mumsy...who I live with...who has been trying to stop smoking herself for two reasons, one for cholestoral, and the other more in aid of me trying my hardest to quit! My heart instantly body started to tense head to toe and images were going around my head of feeling instantly relaxed after a lovely ciggy...and in my mind I was screaming ''OF COURSE I MIND,IV COME THIS FAR ONLY FOR YOU TO RUIN IT NOW!!!'' and then it hit me... Is it actually down to other people to help you quit? They say you have to remove yourself from all things to do with the thing you are trying to give up as a way to make it harder to fail....But what if you live with a person who has the same addiction , what then? Is it up to them to help you?
Me being the addict trying to quit I find it impossible to answer this question! Naturally I feel I should get the help I need as it is actually, in the long run, a matter of health and sometimes life and death! I know I would do it for someone else. But at the same time its up to each individual when and where they want to do things.
Then I get annoyed I have written a entire blog about something I wish I didnt even give any thought for! If you are a non smoker, count yourself lucky! When I didnt smoke it was like bliss not having to think about a bad habit all the time!